The 艺术学院 at 大学交流 inspires, 教, 和 trains artists by fostering communication, 创造力和学识, 和 nurtures appreciation for the visual 和 执行ing arts.
交谈的 艺术学院 values 和 believes in the arts as a path to passion, 灵感, 想象力, 发现, 表达式, 转换, 和快乐.
Whether you are an aspiring artist or a local art lover, 大学交流’s 艺术学院 is your ticket to exciting visual 和 执行ing arts opportunities!
部门 & 万博下载ios
斯巴达堡充满活力的艺术场景的支柱, Converse presents hundreds of public concerts, 执行ances 和 exhibitions annually; collaborates with local arts organizations; 和 prepares students for thriving arts careers through our 有效的创造力 课程.
我们的 劳森艺术学院 also offers classes 和 private lessons to community youth 和 adults in music 和 跳舞.
传入的艺术, 跳舞, 音乐, 音乐al 剧院 和 剧院 students are invited to 应用 for talent-based scholarships.
你想成为什么样的人? 你想做什么?
If you love creating art — whether it’s music, 剧院, 跳舞, 视觉艺术, or design — those two questions are intimately intertwined. 在艺术创作的瞬间, 是否在舞台上, 在工作室里, 或者在笔记本电脑上创作, you are an artist 和 what you’re doing is art.
你是否想要创造, 执行, 教导或帮助他人, 大学交流’s 艺术学院 will guide you to think critically about the work you’re making, 与他人合作, 和 encourage you to create groundbreaking work in an array of art disciplines. 我们的 programs prepare you for paths as teachers, 创造者, 表演者, 治疗师, 设计师们通过深厚的学术研究, transformative mentorship 和 experiential learning.
大学交流’s 艺术学院 unites three areas — the 艺术设计系 & 文学,戏剧系 & 跳舞, 和 the 皮特里音乐学院 — in one promise: we will prepare artists to live lives of passion, 承诺, 和快乐. And our 有效的创造力 课程 will enable you to transform your art into a flourishing career.
交谈的 创造性工作课程倡议 infuses career preparation into every year of every arts 课程, so our graduates are thoroughly prepared for the world waiting for them.
But to have a truly great college experience, artists need more than a great 课程: they need a great community. 我们的 教师 are nationally renowned experts in their fields, 和, 同样重要的是, they’re devoted to challenging 和 nurturing you to bring out your very best. 在万博地址, your classmates will be your biggest supporters 和 cheerleaders at every step of your journey.
来加入我们吧. Be the artist you want to be, 和 live the life you want to live.
Dean of the 艺术学院; Associate Professor of Flute
The 艺术学院 boasts a broad experiential learning experience, 由实习组成, 临床经验, 学生教学和游学. 92% of Converse 艺术学院 students participated in experiential learning over the past two years.
The 艺术学院 at 大学交流 inspires, 教, 和 trains artists; fosters communication, 创造力和学识; 和 nurtures an appreciation of the visual 和 执行ing arts.
The 艺术学院 at 大学交流 values 和 believes in the arts as a path to 灵感, 想象力, 发现, 表达与转化.
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