If you are 学术ally gifted, this 接风宴 计划为您提供挑战和社区,您可以充分发挥自己的潜力. Explore new avenues of thinking, conduct independent research, 并与其他天才学生讨论智力上具有挑战性的话题.
Nisbet的毕业生中有一半以上在研究生院继续深造, including well-known institutions such as Harvard, 普林斯顿和康奈尔. Many of these grads receive excellent financial aid packages, some getting full scholarships and stipends.
Why Join the 尼斯贝特荣誉计划 at Converse?
As a 尼斯贝特认为荣誉 student you can:
- Participate in priority registration;
- Conduct independent research with faculty mentors;
- 选择优秀学生专属的迷人跨学科课程;
- Receive funding to study abroad and present your research at regional, 国家, and inter国家 conferences;
- Join fellow Nisbet students and faculty for social activities; previous experiences have included overnight retreats to Asheville NC, 萨凡纳, GA, 和阿巴拉契亚;
- Discuss intellectually challenging topics;
- Receive guidance on how to secure funds for summer research;
- Participate in a selective honors study abroad program at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, one of the best science universities in western Europe.
Enriching, engaging coursework for deep learning & 学术 转换.
研究经历可以为你在顶尖研究生万博下载ios中打开一个位置,并帮助你获得有竞争力的奖学金. The 尼斯贝特荣誉计划 将 assist you in planning, 提出, and funding your research project, and then we can send you to present your research at regional, 国家, and inter国家 conferences. Your faculty mentor 将 be your guide throughout the experience.
- 在大一毕业后的暑假里,拿着薪水去研究你最喜欢的课题, after writing a successful grant application
- 与教师导师一对一合作,设计自己的定向独立学习万博下载ios
- 发表你的研究,并在专业会议上与你的导师一起展示
- 完成一项实质性的独立研究万博下载ios,即高级荣誉论文,并在公共论坛上向大学和社区展示
See Where Our 2024 研究生s Are Headed!
Converse’s Class of 2024 has big plans ahead of them, 从新的职业和志愿者到研究生院和国际旅行. See where some of our 2024 grads are headed! 凯拉……
Chemistry Student Presents 研究 at American Chemical Society
Emily Ingle ' 24 (尼斯贝特认为荣誉)以海报形式展示了她的夏季研究,题为“影响使用海藻酸钠水凝胶从水溶液中去除Fe 2+离子的因素”。
Converse Attends Mathematics Meeting in San Francisco
Dr. 阿曼达·曼, Sydney Wilson’24和Ryleigh Henderson’24 (尼斯贝特认为荣誉)参加了世界上最广泛的数学聚会, the Joint Mathematics Meetings in San Francisco. 超过5100人……